• 42ft long keel yacht 再建から長距離クルージングへ


    Story-43 WEEK70 2023/12/18 Hull Paint Completion


    Hull painting has been completed. Isana reborn with bright light green hull. Interior and deck works have progressed as well. The repair schedule for next will be sometime in March 2024 while staying in Subic for Christmas and new year holiday, Deck painting work will be continued with 2 professional painters for 4 weeks.

    約9週間かけて、ついにハルの塗装が完了した. 明るい若草色が眩しい。海上で浮いたままでここまで綺麗な塗装を仕上げるのは、まさにプロの仕業だ.

    Hull paint has been completed with 9 weeks on the water painting. It is amazing professional works.

    スターンキャビンの窓枠.  木材で製作してマホガニーブラウンで塗装仕上げ. ここでもプロの仕事.

    Window frames for stern cabin. Wooden frames with mahogany brown paint is very beautiful.

    ギャレーの仕上げ作業. カセットガスコンロを2つ置くジンバルを試作して動作を確認. 右側はクーラーボックスと冷蔵庫スペース. 左側は2シンク.

    Finishing work for gallery. A sample gimbal for 2 cassette stoves was made for simulation. A cooler box and refrigerator space at right side and 2 sinks at left side.

    メインキャビン、ダイニングスペース. 停泊時はここが生活を担う.

    Dining at main cabin. This is the main room to live while anchoring at cove or mooring at marina.

    換気口. 正規品は柔らかいビニール製だが、結構高いので、近くのハードウェアショップで排水用のエンビエルボを99ペソで仕入れて加工した.

    Ventilation cover is made by soft vinyl but it is so expensive that plastic elbow for water drain of Peso 99 is made for this purpose.


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