• 42ft long keel yacht 再建から長距離クルージングへ


    Story-42 WEEK69 2023/12/11 Galley & Main Cabin


    Interior finishing is now on the final stage. Galley and main cabin interiors finishings have been started. It takes unexpectedly long time to complete finishiings.



    2 sinks (large and small) at galley. Washed plates & bowls are stored in the sliding cabinet. There are cooking table and cooler box at the other side of the sinks. A 2 door compact refrigerator will be placed under the cooking table.

    クーラーボックス内箱、この外側には保冷のためボリウレタンフォームを充填する. フィリピン版アマゾンのラザーダでオーダーすると中国製品が1週間くらいで届く.

    Inner case of the cooler box. Polyurethane expanding form is filled outer case for insulation. Lazada, Philippines version of Amazon, delivered it in a week from main land China.


    The final finishing works have commenced. It takes long time to complete, but joy to see it.


    Hull full paint with 2 skilled painters started in the early October spending 9 weeks so far and the final layer of top coat  will be continued.


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