• 42ft long keel yacht 再建から長距離クルージングへ


    Story-51 WEEK86-89 2024/04/08 – 05/04 Electrical Fittings


    During next 4 months from mid April to August 2024, no supervisor will be in-charge, however to enhance work speed up, only electrical works will be continued. Solar panels and major wiring in the cabin have been installed and try to complete remaining solar panel controllers, lithium batteries, a 110/220V inverter, navigation aids (wind direction / speed, depth meters and GPS) and control panels wire connection.

    当初計画から大幅にシンプル化した給電プラン. マリーナなどで外部電源も接続できるよう計画

    Elactric plan has been simplified. Land line power supply at some marinas can be connected.

    2枚の500W ソーラーパネルで発電された電力は電圧と電流が安定しないので、最大電力点追従機能(MPPT : Maximum Power Point Tracking) により制御して、効率良く電力を生み出す。右側の白い箱は、同じシップヤードで修理中のトライマランのオーナーから譲り受けたMARINERの110/220V インバーター。

    Electrical power generated by 2nos 500W solar panels is not stable, so MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking)  power conditioner works for charge control.Right side white box is an MARINER 110/220V inverter.


    Electrical power generated by solar panels is DC (Direct Current), so a sine wave inverter with charger converters DC to AC (Acoustic Current).

    以前に付いていた配電パネルを再利用、バスバーも取り付けて配線が進む. メーター類はデジタルに変更、パネルも割れているので新しくする

    Old electric panel is re-used. Bath bar is also fitted for wiring. Analog  meters will be replaced with digital ones, also broken front panel will be renewed.


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