• 42ft long keel yacht 再建から長距離クルージングへ


    Story-27 WEEK52 2022/11/28 Dry Docking

    10/30〜11/19まで3週間帰国し、お世話になった方々を訪ねる1週間の大旅行を敢行、また長距離航海ヨット乗りの交流の場「長距離航海懇話会 http://cruisingjapan.org/wp1/」のWEB集会で修理のお話をしたり、忙しく過ごした後スービックに帰宅して1週間滞在。11/26にセブ、カーメンに移動して3週間の予定でヨット再建作業を再開。今回はいよいよ上架して船底の塗装やり替とラダー、プロペラシャフトを取り外して整備する。以前に座礁して浸水した破損箇所の確認と補修、不必要に多いスルーハルの廃止など、ドライの状態で色々と作業を進める。

    I have been back to Japan for 3 weeks (10/30 〜 11/19) during which I visited old friends by a week trip and was a speaker of web meeting for Japan Ocean Cruising Club (http://cruisingjapan.org/wp1/). After spending a week at my house in Subic, Philippines, I moved to Carmen, Cebu to resume restoration works of the yacht.
    The yacht has been dry docked to repaint hull and maintain rudder and propeller. Also, unnecessary through hulls are to be abandoned.

    11/29 深夜 00:46 満潮(+1.99m)時にスロープに移動

    朝8:33 潮(-0.36m)が引いてドライドック状態


    At 00:30 midnight on 11/29, the yacht has been moved onto slope. Dry docking has been made.

    Tidal range is approx. 2.4m.


    Marine growth was revomed for the first 2 days then hull has been cleaned by hand grinder for the following 2 days. Surprisingly, barnacles were not grown.
    Hull cleaning works will be continued …..



    セブとカーメンの中間辺りのリロアンというところにある、スクリューを製造するUnited Castingという工場に持ち込んだところ、新造した方が良いとのこと P19,500(約5万円)、納期7~10日

    After a 3 blade propeller was removed, it was realized that one blade was damaged due to electric corrosion for long years mooring on water. 

    A factory of United Casting who is making ship propeller at Liloan, half way to Cebu City from Carmen recommended to fabricate new propeller at P19,500 for 7 – 10 days  delivery.


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