• 42ft long keel yacht 再建から長距離クルージングへ


    (Story-1 WEEK41 2022/07/04 Resumption of Restoration after Covit-19 Pandemic) 

    2019/12 フィリピン、セブヨットクラブで長年係留していた42ft ロングキール ヨットをセブの北部カーメンのPinoy Boat Serviceに回航して修理を始めた。半年後コロナ・パンデミックのため修理を中断して日本に帰国。2022/07 コロナ鎮静とともに修理再開、約1年半の間、再び風雨に晒された船の見るも無残な姿に涙!!

    Restoration of 42ft long keel yacht was started in Dec 2019 at Pinoy Boat Service, Carmen Cebu after many years mooring at Cebu Yacht Club. However, due to Covit-19 pandemic, the restoration was suspended for1and a half years. The restoration has resumed in July 2022.

    フォアデッキ (Fore deck)


    Super typhoon Odette in Dec 2021 have made the yacht semi-submerged.

    フォアキャビン Fore cabin


    A 500 liter water tank under floor of main cabin was filled with muddy water.

    フォアキャビン Fore cabin


    Starboard side storage spaces were also filled with muddy water.

    スターンキャビン Stern cabin


    A stern cabin was relatively light damages due to high floor level.

    Week00-第9話 Sailing in Cebu Sea : Click below
    Week01-第14話 Restoration Commenced : Click below 


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