• 42ft long keel yacht 再建から長距離クルージングへ

    Ship Registry & MMSI

    船籍をどこで取得するか、経験のある方々に聞いてみたところ、米国のデラウェアやマレーシアのランカウィなどが比較的取得しやすいとのこと。AIS搭載義務のある海域航海に備え、海上移動業務識別コード (MMSI: Maritime Mobile Service Identity) の取得も目指した。問題は長年のセブでの係留で、船籍登録書類全てが無くなっていた事。

    Where shall the Isana be registered ? Some yachtmen tought me that it might be easy to get it at Delaware in USA or at Langkawi in Malaysia. MMSI is also needed for sailing in AIS required area. The problem at that time was the original documents of ship registry were missing during long mooring at Cebu Yacht Club.

    スターン部をよく見ると、イギリスの登録番号 SSR81XXX (Small 
     Ships Register) がペイントの下に読み取れる。紙の書類を紛失したため、これが後のランカウィでの船籍登録変更の決め手となった

    Register number SSR81XXX (Small Ships Register) in UK can be seen under paint. Langkawi register can be obtained by tracing old UK register because of all paper documents missing, 


    Historical ship registry documents showed that the SSR closed for this  yacht on 26 October 2005. New registry can be obtained by this documents from Langkawi, Malaysia.


    Langkawi Registry had been obtained on 19 July 2020 during pandemic of COVID-19. An outstanding issue of yacht registry had been settled.


    After July 2020, the contact with the agent of Langkawi ship registry has been lost due to COVID-19 pandemic. At the beginning of 2023, the contact was resumed and MMSI License was secured, so AIS radio now avail.


    1. 船籍登録料 RM1,140 (約34,000円) 2. トネージフィー RM1,900 (5年-約57,000円) 3. エージェント手数料  RM900 (約27,000円) 4. MMSI登録料 RM726 (約22,000円) 5. 国際郵便送料  RM225 (約7,000円)  合計 RM4,890  (約147,000円)

    Total cost for Langkawi yacht registry was RM4,890 (USD 1,050)


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