• 42ft long keel yacht 再建から長距離クルージングへ

    【Cruising Plan 07】Cebu, Philippines to Palau


    Palau is located at 690 N miles from Cebu, Philippines where the Isana is under repair. In July to September, wind is from south west, so saling to Palau may be easy paying attention to typhoon. It will take 6 days for one way.


    Pilot charts show in July to September, wind is from behind to sail to Palau. Then, staying there for 1~2 months and returning to Philippines in November or December pushed by Trade Wind give a lot of fun.

    リーフで囲まれたパラオにはコロールの南のマラカル湾に設けられたEast Passageからのアプローチになる。湾の入り口の赤白のライトブイが目標。

    To approach to Palau surrounded by reef, the East Passage in Malakal Bay south side of the Koror is the best. 

    There is a red-white color buoy as a target.


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