• 42ft long keel yacht 再建から長距離クルージングへ

    【Cruising Plan 01】Camotes Islands for shakedown sailing

    2022年11 月時点で、ヨット勇魚の再建は目処が立ってきた。12月のクリスマスまでに3週間、越年して2月に3週間でセーリングができるまでに作業を進めたい。その後は暫くセブの美しい海で試験航海と調整を繰り返す予定。試験航海のまず最初の目的地はカモテス諸島、シップヤードから東に17マイルのパシハン島、サンチャゴベイマリーンサンクチャリ。コロナ前の再建作業時の週末にダナオからフェリーに乗って単車で訪れた。干潮時に遠浅の白砂の砂浜が広がる素晴らしいリゾート。

    As of November 2022, restoration of the yacht Isana is at the final corner toward goal. 3 weeks before the Chiristmas and another 3 weeks sometime in February will be the time frame to complete the works. After that, shakedown cruising will be made to check equipments functioned in the Camotes Sea. The first destination of the shakedown sailing is Santiago Bay Marine Sanctuary, Pacijan Island of Camotes Islands where I had visited by my bike via a ferry boat from Danao on a weekend during the restoration works before COVIT-19. There was a marvelous white sand beach widely spread especially at low tide.



    It is 17 N miles from Pinoy Boat Services, Carmane to Santiago Bay Marine Sancturary, south end of the Pacijan Island of Camotes Islands where 4 hours boyage at 5 kn sailing.

    It may be good plan to stay 2~3 days droping an anchor at offshore of the island.

    カモテス諸島、ハシハン島南端のサンチャゴベイ マリンサンクチャリ、干潮時には下の衛星写真のように白砂の砂浜が広がる


    Santiago Bay Marine Sanctuary is located at southern end of the Pacijan Island of the Camotes Islands. White sand beach widely appeared during low tide, so visitor yachts drop anchors at offshore anchorage. 


    Yachts are dropping anchors at offshore.


    The Bay Walk along a channel between Pacijan Island and Poro Island is nice place for tourists and residents.


    The Buko Rock is a famous dive spot for tourists. 


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