• 42ft long keel yacht 再建から長距離クルージングへ

    Cebu Yacht Club


    In 1519 during the Age of Exploration, a Portuguese sailor Magellan started sailing westward from Spain to find a route to Moluccas Islands, so-called Spice Islands, passing through a strait named Magellan Strait after him at southern end of South America Continent toward the Pacific Ocean, however he was killed at Cebu, Philippines on his way back to Spain. His fleet returned to Spain after years and was honored as the first men who achieved circumnavigation.
    A bay at north-east of Maktan Island, Cebu is named Magellan Bay and a drawing of Magellan vs King Lapu lapu fight is displayed at Magellan Shrine near the Bay.
    The Cebu Yacht Club with over 10 boats in a compact basin located near Cebu Maktran International Airport where yacht “Yume” took mooring for more than 10 years after an ex-owner from England arrived to Cebu sometime in 2007 untill December 2019. There is a loft of Hyde Sails, UK based, in an industrial estate near the airport.



    Cebu is second lagest city of Philippines where direct flights from Japan for sightseeing available. The Cebu Yacht Club is located in 10 minites walking distance.

    ヨットクラブ 入口

    A signboard at Cebu Yacht Club entrance.


    Reception and management office of the Yacht Club.


    Mooring basin at the Yacht Club.


     A bar & restaurant at the Yacht Club.


    A drawing of Magellan vs King Lapu lapu fight displayed at Magellan Shrine .


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