• 42ft long keel yacht 再建から長距離クルージングへ

    修理再開 スターンコックピットほか塗装

    Story-54 WEEK94 2024/11/4 – 9 Repair resumed – Painting on cockpit at stern deck


    I came back here the shipyard at Carmen, Cebu for planned 4 weeks after having many things wanted to do be done. Before coming here, carpenters, painters and elecricians needed to be scheduled for Isana, however for this time due to many waiting boats at the shipyard, only the 2 painters who worked for Isana previously available. So final remaining paiting at cockpit on stern deck been started.


    A cockpit on stern deck is the main control place of Isana. The last portion of the painting is a chair for 3 to 4 helmsman and crews.


    A pedestal for steering rat is painted as well.


    Totally 4 doors for fore castle, stern cabin and 2 heads are painted white top coat on back side.

    ある日の夕立で3つのソーラーベンチレーターから室内に雨漏りが発覚! 長年の稼働で内部も相当汚れていたので取り外して清掃して、マウント部の漏止めの追加塗装

    Rail water leaking has been found after heave shower on someday at 3 solar ventilations. Removing and cleaning them for long run self operation and deck adjustment with additional painting has done.

    マストを支える6本のスタンディングリギンを取り付けるパッドアイを固定するナット、元々この船に付いていた古いナットを締め付けると縦に割れてしまうものが数個. これではヘビーウェザーセーリング時パッドアイが抜けてデスマストの危険があるので、日本帰国時に調達したナットに付け替えた。

    Some of the original nuts of 6 eye pads for fixing standing riggins have broken during tightining. It could be serious troule like death mast during heavy weather sailing, so replaced all with latest Japan quality nuts.


    返信2024-11-20 8:45 PM


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