• 42ft long keel yacht 再建から長距離クルージングへ

    内装・電気・機械 仕上げ (続き)

    Story-53 WEEK92 2024/08/12 Interior, Electric & Mechanic Finishings (continued)


    2nd week for finishing work for this time. Painting to upper cabin completed, a power supply shore connection outlet, breakers for electric power outlets, adjusting tension of standing rigging for mast, etc completing one by one. A trial run of the engine has been done. The works for this time has been suspended and resume works in early November for 4 ~ 6 weeks to complete.


    A trial run of the engine. Fullness of the exhaust gas  in the upper cabin. 


    Final 2nd layer top coat for upper cabin


    A power supply shore connection outlet

    キャビン内の電源コンセント(110/230V) 用のサーキットブレーカー

    Circuit breakers for power supply outlets (110/230V) inside the cabins


    Floor finishing at the main cabin. Teak and eguem woods stripe will perform beautiful finishing


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