• 42ft long keel yacht 再建から長距離クルージングへ

    【Cruising Plan 09−1】 Sailing in Seto Island Sea


    Departing from Tannowa Yacht Harbor, sailing to west in the Seto Island Sea. Plan to visit at 12 harbors and Sea Stations before arriving at Ube, Yamaguchi passing under Honsyu-Shikoku bridges and some isolated islands, total 318 N miles.


    Sailing in Seto Island Sea, sometimes at Honshu side and others at Shikoku side, heading to Ube Sea Station, Yamaguchi prefecture.

    停泊予定港を調べてみた. 関西・姫路辺りまでは一晩の停泊料が結構高い. 事前予約は必須かな.

    Cost for one night mooring at Yacht Harbor or Sea Station are listed. The more sail to west. the cheaper the cost is. May need advance bookings.

    かの堀江謙一さんがマーメイドを係留するホームポート. 大阪湾を縦断して最初の寄港地として是非訪れたい.

    One of the largest yacht harbors in Kansai is Shin Nishinomiya YH. No advance booking required. Visitor berths are always available. 
    A home port of the Mermaid, captain Ken-ichi HORIE. I like to visit here as a first port of my cruise in Japan Water.

    直島はアートの島として有名. 宮ノ浦海の駅に係留後、観光地図に沿って美術館やアートスポット巡りが楽しそう.

    Naoshima island is famous of art. There are many places to see modern arts. Cost for mooring is reasonable so it may be good to stay a few nights.

    人口わずか7人だった高井神島、今は移住者を迎えて11人とのこと. マンガ壁画アートが有名. クルージング途中に立ち寄ってみるかな.

    Only 11 persons are living in the Takai-Kamishima island where wall cartoon paints are famous. It is good to pay a visit on my way of sailing. 

    瀬戸内海から広島呉に入る入り口に、平清盛が切り開いたと伝わる音戸の瀬戸と呼ばれる水路がある.  ループ橋とアーチ橋、2つの橋が架っていて、ヨットでその下をくぐる.  特に春先には岸辺に桜やツツジが咲き誇るので、その頃にここを通過したい.

    Ondo-no-Seto in Seto Island Sea to Kure Bay is a narrow water way made by Kiyomori TAIRA in ancient days. There are 2 bridges, a roop and a arch type. A lot of cherry blossoms and azaleas bloom in spring which is the best time to sail under the bridges.

    山口宇部海の駅は宇部マリーナ前の桟橋. ビジターバースは40ftまで3隻分. 42ftは留めてもらえるのかしら. 市街地にも近く補給には便利. この後の九州巡航、日本海巡航の発着基地にしたいなぁ.

    Sea Station Yamaguchi-Ube is located at mid town in front of Ube Marina. 3 berths for 40ft are available. The port can be the base for Kyushu and Japan Seai cruise routes.


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