• 42ft long keel yacht 再建から長距離クルージングへ

    A Happy New Year 2023 from Subic

    また新しい年をここスービックで迎えました。今年は勇魚の修理を終えて、フィリピン海域でシェイクダウンや航海練習を繰り返した後、いよいよ外洋航海の準備に入りたい。2023 年、皆さまにとっても良い年になりますよう。

    A new year 2023 has come to Subic. Hoping the restoration works of Isana would be completed within this year. After shakedown and sailing exercise are done, preparation of offshore cruising is to be commenced. Wishing the year 2023 will be a good one to everybody.

    暖かい南国のお正月、天気良く、海もきれい !


    A tropical warm new year day, brightly beautiful sky and crystal clear blue sea ! 

    Subic Bay had been developed as a navy base of Spain in 1884, after America-Spain war in 1898, US Navy occupied here as a base.


    The largest Philippines flag in front of Bldg229 former US Navy HQ office.



    Residential area in old US Navy Base. American taste village.


    Bananas and papayas at residential garden.


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