Several carpenters have worked for Isana so far. Recently, a capenter of one of them has always been working however he is currently busy for another boat till February next year, so a new capenter has been assigned for this time. His first week work record verified his high skill and speed working.
A table in the main cabin supported by 2 legs which is a bit complicated to fix on the floor.
2 legs of table on to the water tank at the bottom of the boat are to be fixed firmly, it’s touch job.
バックステー調整ロッド. バックステーを船体最後尾から取るようにリグ変更したため、長さが足りなくなった.
Adjustment length of a back stay needed due to change of the fixing point to the most stern edge.
ソーラーシステム、冷蔵庫をフル稼働していると朝には30%位まで低下するが、朝太陽が上がり晴天だと、昼前には100%となる. 雨や曇りの時の充電能力がちょっと気になる.
Solar system, a refrigerator fully worked makes down to 30% in the morning but when fine day it becomes 100% within the morning. May need to check how it will be when rainy or cloudy days.
アキレス製のゴムボートの中古を入手した. 可能な限り軽いテンダーを探していた.4馬力の船外機推奨、大人2人乗り、総重量280kg. これで沖合にアンカリングした勇魚から上陸する手立てができた.
A 2nd hand Achilles rubber boat comes to Isana looking for the lightest tender.4 PS outer engine recommended, 2 adults and total 280kg capacity. It is good for landing on beach.